Friday, 25 March 2016

Spoiler TV Article - Showrunner From The 100 Talks About Lexa's Death

Below is an article from Spoiler TV where Jason Rothenberg talks about the character of Lexa and her death. 
The Life and Death of Lexa
Since our episode “Thirteen” aired three weeks ago, I’ve spent a great deal of time reading letters, blogs, tweets and articles from passionate women and men of all ages who were angered and saddened that the character Lexa was killed off immediately after a love scene with our hero Clarke. I’m still processing this. I’m still learning. But I have gained perspective and more than ever, I am profoundly grateful to you, our fans.
No series, no episode of television, exists in a vacuum. As an audience, we bring with us our life experience, the events of the time, and the collective memory of all the stories we have been entertained by (or not). Every relationship. Every love scene or act of violence. Every revelation or cliché. Every original story and, yes, every trope. The worst shows retread the formula. The best transcend cliché, opening our eyes to new ways of thinking, and welcome new audiences in.
For many fans of The 100, the relationship between Clarke and Lexa was a positive step of inclusion. I take enormous pride in that, as I do in the fact that our show is heading into its 4th season with a bisexual lead and a very diverse cast. The honesty, integrity and vulnerability Eliza Taylor and Alycia Debnam-Carey brought to their characters served as an inspiration for many of our fans. Their relationship held greater importance than even I realized. And that very important representation was taken away by one stray bullet.
The thinking behind having the ultimate tragedy follow the ultimate joy was to heighten the drama and underscore the universal fragility of life. But the end result became something else entirely — the perpetuation of the disturbing “Bury Your Gays” trope. Our aggressive promotion of the episode, and of this relationship, only fueled a feeling of betrayal.
While I now understand why this criticism came our way, it leaves me heartbroken. I promise you burying, baiting or hurting anyone was never our intention. It’s not who I am.
In the show-world, no one is safe, and anyone, even a beloved character, can die, at any time. My favorite shows in this genre embrace a similar sense of heightened urgency. There are several reasons why this particular episode played out the way it did: practical (an actress was leaving the show), creative (it’s a story about reincarnation) and thematic (it’s a show about survival). Despite my reasons, I still write and produce television for the real world where negative and hurtful tropes exist. And I am very sorry for not recognizing this as fully as I should have. Knowing everything I know now, Lexa’s death would have played out differently.
The 100 is a post-apocalyptic tragedy set 130 years in the future. It’s a constant life and death struggle. In our show, all relationships start with one question: ‘Can you help me survive today?’ It doesn’t matter what color you are, what gender identity you are, or whether you’re gay, bi or straight. The things that divide us as global citizens today don’t matter in this show. And that’s the beauty of science-fiction. We can make a point without preaching. We can say that race, sexuality, gender and disability should not divide us. We can elevate our thinking and take you on a helluva ride at the same time.
But I’ve been powerfully reminded that the audience takes that ride in the real world — where LGBTQ teens face repeated discrimination, often suffer from depression and commit suicide at a rate far higher than their straight peers. Where people still face discrimination because of the color of their skin. Where, in too many places, women are not given the same opportunities as men, especially LGBTQ women who face even tougher odds. And where television characters are still not fully representative of the diverse lives of our audience. Not even close. Those of us lucky enough to have a platform to tell stories have an opportunity to expand the boundaries of inclusion, and we shouldn’t take that for granted.

For those of you wondering about the series’ path ahead, The 100 is a show where people don’t get over things quickly. This goes for physical injuries as well as emotional ones. Clarke is experiencing the profound loss of someone she loved, and she’ll carry that loss with her forever. My sincerest hope is that any of our fans who saw a part of themselves in the relationship between Clarke and Lexa can take some small comfort in knowing that their love was beautiful and real.
Read the comments on this article at SpoilerTV.
Now it is your turn. I would love to hear what you think. Hit the comments or connect with me via Facebook or Twitter. If you would like to write here about your favourite TV shows or issue regarding TV that suck, then use the contact form to apply for posting rights. New writers are always welcome here.
Are you a Grey's Anatomy fan or would you like to write about Grey's Anatomy? I am looking for writers to write for Grey's Anatomy Addicts. If you are interested, please get in touch via the contact form or post me a message on the Grey's Anatomy Addicts Facebook Page. Read the latest gossip about Grey's Anatomy here.

Visit Jel Writes, Freelance Writer to read more of my writing or hire me to write for you. 

Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton

US Network CBS Cancel Person Of Interest After Season Five

Why Do Great Quality TV Shows Get Treated 
Like Crap?

Finally the fans have their answer and proof that CBS executives are liars and deliberately get the fans hopes up. The original plan that CBS went public with in January, was to wait to see how Season Five of Person of Interest did in the ratings. What a crock of shit! Let's see how true the recent press release was regarding the renewal of all of their freshman shows. I see at least two of those shows getting cancelled and more pissed off fans boycotting CBS. Why do they get the viewers hopes up and then backtrack? Assholes!

Do I sound pissed off? Well I am extremely pissed about this. An original, relevant and awesome quality TV shows get dumped in favour of shitty TV shows that are mindless dribble. I don't know about other TV fans, but I want a show that stimulates my mind and make me think. Person of Interest was the best show to come along since Grey's Anatomy in 2005. 

Grey's Anatomy still lives on, probably because ABC can see that their viewers want a good quality medical drama. Unfortunately, CBS chose to dump Person of Interest because the demo rating slumped and the long and short of it is, they don't own the show, and the money made from advertising was not enough to justify keeping the show.

Whatever their reasons, I stand by my assertion that CBS are foolish idiots. The only show of any quality on their schedule now is Scorpion. The rest of their line up is crap and if I lived in the US, I would be joining all the ex CBS viewers who are actively boycotting the network and have sworn they will never watch a CBS show live ever again.

Having said all of this, there is still hope for Person of Interest. There have been unconfirmed whispers and speculation that Netflix might be interested in picking up Person of Interest as a Netflix original and given they have the rights to stream the previous seasons, this may well happen. Sure, it's probably a long shot, but it is certainly worth fighting for given how fantastic this show is. Thirty two thousand fans can't be wrong, which is how many fans have signed the petition addressed to other networks asking them to pick up POI.

Anyway, stay tuned to this blog for more information on what's happening with Person of Interest. Season Five premieres on CBS on the 3rd of May, 2016. Thirteen episodes will be aired and the finale will be shown sometime in June. Person of Interest will be shown twice a week on Monday and Tuesday at 10pm. Be sure to tune in live if you live in the US. Higher ratings will definitely encourage other networks to pick up the show.

Sign the petition, contact Netflix via email, or phone and tell them how much you love POI. Click Here for more information on what the fans are doing to campaign other networks for a Season Six pick up.

Now it is your turn. I would love to hear what you think. Hit the comments or connect with me via Facebook or Twitter. If you would like to write here about your favourite TV shows or issue regarding TV that suck, then use the contact form to apply for posting rights. New writers are always welcome here.

Are you a Grey's Anatomy fan or would you like to write about Grey's Anatomy? I am looking for writers to write for Grey's Anatomy Addicts. If you are interested, please get in touch via the contact form or post me a message on the Grey's Anatomy Addicts Facebook Page. Read the latest gossip about Grey's Anatomy here.

Visit Jel Writes, Freelance Writer to read more of my writing or hire me to write for you. 

Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Save Person Of Interest - Join The Fight Today!

Person of Interest began in 2011 and the fan base around the world for this cult show grew. There are literally tens of millions of fans who don't want to see this show end, (if not more than that), which is why I am calling on all the fans, worldwide who love POI to get behind this campaign and support the fight to save this show.

Show CBS that We Are Not Irrelevant

Person of Interest is relevant to what is occurring in today's society and the powers that be at CBS would be crazy to let this show go, however it's not really up to CBS after they decide to cancel POI, another network can pick it up and speculation has been going on for months that Netflix may well be interested in picking up POI for a Season 6. 

So having said all of this, let's get behind Netflix and urge them to consider taking Person of Interest away from CBS. POI is owned by Warner Bros, so surely Netflix can make a deal with the creators of this show to do a season six. While many fans are aware that this scenario is not likely, it is still worth fighting for and many fans involved in this fight will not give up until there is absolutely no hope.

Artificial intelligence or AI is a topic that is being discussed a lot in the news right now and has been the topic of conversation for the last few years now. Why CBS want to let such an organic idea slip away is beyond many fan's comprehension. But, we must remember it is all about making money for TV networks and they don't care whether the TV shows they air are total crap, as long as the viewers are tuning in. The thing is, many of us want to watch something intelligent and clever, we want TV shows that make us think. And Person of Interest does this.

Please Netflix, pick up Person Of Interest for Season Six

We all have our own reasons why we like this show, so get behind this fight and let's save POI.

How can you help?

Sign the petition at: Change

Email CBS at: CBS Audience Services

US residents can call CBS on: 212 975 3247 between the hours of 10 A.M. and 11.30 A.M. and 2 P.M. and 3.30 P.M. 

Tweet CBS or post on the CBS Facebook Page.

Call Netflix on: 1800 071578 or visit their website to email or share your views, you will be directed to your countries website. 

Run a search on Netflix for Person of Interest. Netflix monitor these searches, so the more we search for POI, the more likely Netflix will realise just how popular this series is and may seriously consider picking it up.

Share this promotional video by one of the Person of Interest directors; Chris Fisher - this video will entice more viewers to the show and may give the show a better change of getting renewed. If CBS get the ratings they want with POI in Spring, it may get a renewal: Person of Interest Video

When Season five does air, as many fans as possible need to watch this show live. CBS need to see that just as many fans are still watching live. 

However, while Person of Interest is not being aired, many fans have suggested boycotting CBS all together and emailing CBS and telling them that we are doing so. 

We have do all we can do to get the message to the networks that this show is worth saving and that we will do what is necessary to save Person of Interest.

If anyone has any other ideas on how we can save Person of Interest please let us know. You can tweet these ideas or post them on the Save Person Of Interest Facebook Page or hit the comments.

Where is Season Five? What are CBS up to?

Now it is your turn. I would love to hear what you think. Hit the comments or connect with me via Facebook or Twitter. If you would like to write here about your favourite TV shows or how badly you think many TV shows simply suck, then use the contact form to apply for posting rights. 

Visit Jel Writes, Freelance Writer to read more of my writing or hire me to write for you. 

Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton