Friday, 25 March 2016

US Network CBS Cancel Person Of Interest After Season Five

Why Do Great Quality TV Shows Get Treated 
Like Crap?

Finally the fans have their answer and proof that CBS executives are liars and deliberately get the fans hopes up. The original plan that CBS went public with in January, was to wait to see how Season Five of Person of Interest did in the ratings. What a crock of shit! Let's see how true the recent press release was regarding the renewal of all of their freshman shows. I see at least two of those shows getting cancelled and more pissed off fans boycotting CBS. Why do they get the viewers hopes up and then backtrack? Assholes!

Do I sound pissed off? Well I am extremely pissed about this. An original, relevant and awesome quality TV shows get dumped in favour of shitty TV shows that are mindless dribble. I don't know about other TV fans, but I want a show that stimulates my mind and make me think. Person of Interest was the best show to come along since Grey's Anatomy in 2005. 

Grey's Anatomy still lives on, probably because ABC can see that their viewers want a good quality medical drama. Unfortunately, CBS chose to dump Person of Interest because the demo rating slumped and the long and short of it is, they don't own the show, and the money made from advertising was not enough to justify keeping the show.

Whatever their reasons, I stand by my assertion that CBS are foolish idiots. The only show of any quality on their schedule now is Scorpion. The rest of their line up is crap and if I lived in the US, I would be joining all the ex CBS viewers who are actively boycotting the network and have sworn they will never watch a CBS show live ever again.

Having said all of this, there is still hope for Person of Interest. There have been unconfirmed whispers and speculation that Netflix might be interested in picking up Person of Interest as a Netflix original and given they have the rights to stream the previous seasons, this may well happen. Sure, it's probably a long shot, but it is certainly worth fighting for given how fantastic this show is. Thirty two thousand fans can't be wrong, which is how many fans have signed the petition addressed to other networks asking them to pick up POI.

Anyway, stay tuned to this blog for more information on what's happening with Person of Interest. Season Five premieres on CBS on the 3rd of May, 2016. Thirteen episodes will be aired and the finale will be shown sometime in June. Person of Interest will be shown twice a week on Monday and Tuesday at 10pm. Be sure to tune in live if you live in the US. Higher ratings will definitely encourage other networks to pick up the show.

Sign the petition, contact Netflix via email, or phone and tell them how much you love POI. Click Here for more information on what the fans are doing to campaign other networks for a Season Six pick up.

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Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton

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