Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Why The Hell Was Secret City Just A Mini-Series?

Well I have taken my sweet time in writing this, other TV shows to natter about and many, many articles about Person of Interest, which I am sure the non-fans are sick of. Don't forget, any reader is free to write here whenever they want about whatever TV show they like. So don't be shy, get in touch via the contact box, or Facebook if you'd like to write here.

In any case, let's get to Secret City.

I loved this mini-series. Thank you Foxtel. It is about time we got a gritty, nail-biting drama, that was conceived from an original idea.

Jackie Weaver completely owned her role in this show and I would love to see more of her. This mini-series was well written, had a fabulous cast, and was really entertaining right the way through. This is the kind of entertainment many Aussie viewers want to see more of.  I have to admit to a little bias in the fact that this series was set in the Canberra, where I live. It was terrific watching the location scenes and picking out exactly where they were shooting.

Now I am well aware that political drama has been tried on the networks and I don't see why it shouldn't be looked at as an idea again. Is it not conceivable that we could have an Aussie version of Scandal or House of Cards? These shows have succeeded for years in the US, and the UK, so why not here?

What I am wondering is why shouldn’t this show be picked up as a ten to thirteen episodic political thriller? I am not aware of the free to air networks trying out this kind of show, and the US has done it many times with Scandal, The West Wing, and House of Cards (which was a success in the UK). I really don’t see why this kind of show could not be a success in Australia? As a writer, I have many thoughts rolling around in my brain on how this show could have continued into a second season. Do the TV writers in Australia simply have no imagination or is it the networks who are the issue?

While I do my best to support Australian drama, much of it is not what I want to see. Now I cannot speak for every viewer, but I have to ask why in five years have the ratings of a popular show like “Winners and Losers” dropped by more than half? Why are we barely getting a million viewers watching “Love Child”, when five years ago, “Packed to the Rafters” would get over two million?

Sure, TV is changing, with streaming services and the like. What I wonder is, how will Free to Air TV networks turn a profit in the future? Not everyone wants to watch the Football, Rugby League, the Cricket, the Tennis or the Olympics. And lately, the Friday night football ratings are not even reaching one million.

I would love to see more original, scripted TV shows in Australia on Free to Air TV and Pay TV. And a thriller like Secret City could do very well for Foxtel, or one of the commercial networks. Come on Seven network, get some balls and steal it. If Foxtel don't want it, then it's fair game. Besides it would be your chance to pay them back for stealing that other show you dumped, I don't remember the name, but it was a period drama set in Australia.

In a few years time, when Netflix are able to offer all of their available content globally, how are the Pay TV services and Free to Air networks going to compete? Are they simply waiting until Foxtel lose even more money and then grab all the sporting rights Foxtel now have the rights to and can't really afford. I seriously doubt when this happens that Telstra and Murdoch can bail them out again. Foxtel need to reinvent their brand and offer what Netflix does at a much more reasonable price with better terms and condition.

I don’t have the answer here, but it's clearly obvious to me and many other people who only watch Free to Air TV that things certainly have to change. It's my opinion that original and entertaining home-grown content is what will keep eyes on the TV screen and that Australia really does not have enough of this quality content.

And before I go, just so you know Foxtel, I loved Secret City. It could have been a lot more than a six episode mini-series. I know it's based on a true story, so is the leading role of Olivia Pope in Scandal. Secret City could have become a very popular political thriller.

Finally; for the record, I did not subscribe to Foxtel to see it and I never will. Until you guys over there get a clue and start offering value like Netflix, Stan and Presto do, I and many others will choose these services over Foxtel. It would cost me around $50 just to sign up to watch this series and I would have had to agree to sign up for at least a year, screw that for a joke. I chose to watch it by other means. Anyway, that is a whole other argument.

Do You Love Writing About TV Shows We are looking for writers to contribute to What's on the Box. Please get in touch via the contact box if you are interested. You can also contact us via our new Facebook page to apply for posting rights.

Now it is your turn. I would love to hear what you think. Hit the comments or connect with me via Facebook or Twitter.   

You can read more TV articles at

Jel Writes, Freelance Writer or Grey's Anatomy Addicts

Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Person Of Interest Novel #1 Negotiations Have Broken Down

Don't be taken in by the various online stores offering this book for pre-order. No official announcement has been made regarding a Person of Interest novel.

Back in January of this year, Peter Watts published this blog post regarding the work he has been doing on a new Person of Interest novel.

Contract negotiations fell apart not long after this and Watts posted his version of events here.

It will be a crying shame if a book based on POI never sees the light of day

Peter Watts had an agreement with certain interested parties to keep quiet about the project, but given the plan for this book was leaked and the book is being offered to customers as a pre-order, Peter Watts felt he should speak up and set the record straight. He also wanted to clarify that he was not responsible for book being listed for sale on Amazon and other online bookstores. He also pointed out that contract issues were still being ironed out.

Setting the record straight was probably not a good idea, because days later Peter Watts' contract was dead in the water. Peter Watts was blamed for the leaks and the fact that the book was listed on various online bookstores. The author was adamant that he had stuck to the terms of his contract and for the life of me, (and as a writer myself), I don't see why any writer would sabotage himself in this way. Something else is going on here. Getting a book published is hard enough, so why would the book's author sabotage his contract.

It is my hope and the hope of many Person of Interest fans that this book and perhaps other books based on the series will see the light of day eventually. You only have to look at the success of other books that are based on a popular TV series. 24, The 100, The Walking Dead and many more.


The above books are bestsellers, a Person of Interest book would sell millions of copies

If you happen to be surfing the Internet looking for Person of Interest merchandise like I have recently, do not be fooled by the link offering the Person of Interest, Novel #1 for pre-order. My example of one listing is below:

Person Of Interest Novel #1 on Amazon Canada.

To be clear, these online bookstores are not trying to scam anyone. They honestly believe that there will be a Person of Interest novel coming out. It is also possible that this book is in the works and the author has been told to keep quiet about any negotiations. It possible his second blog post was written on the advice of his agent. Perhaps Bad Robot, Warner Bros and other interested parties want to keep this book a secret. For my sake and the millions of Person of Interest fans worldwide, I really hope that this is what's actually going on.

The Mayhem Twins - So awesome, everywhere they went, a mess was sure to follow

Given that the final episode of Person of Interest just went to air last week, I can imagine that many fans are searching the web for DVDs, T Shirts, and other merchandise. It is my intention to own as much Person of Interest memorabilia as possible, so I can certainly see how fans might be taken in by this listing on Amazon and many others at various online bookshops.

If I had to bet on the outcome of whether a Person of Interest book will be available one day, I would have to say that there is a pretty good chance we will see a Person of Interest book or perhaps a series of books. While this would be awesome, it would be even better if the series were to continue. Fans can help to convince other networks to pick up Person of Interest for a few more seasons. To learn more about this, see the info and a link to the Save Person of Interest further down.

Given that the millions of fans are now mourning this show, it would be nice to hear some good news regarding the plans for this novel. It is my understanding that Peter Watts has already written the book, so I'm hoping this book will be released eventually. In the meantime, we can keep up the fight to get Person of Interest back on the air.

The story that Jonah Nolan, Greg Plageman, Denise The and the other wonderful Person of Interest writers were telling was cut horribly short thanks to the greed of the CBS network. Show the other networks how much you love Person of Interest and tell them that this story needs to continue. Sign the petition below:

Save Person of Interest Petition

Support the POI Initiative and help Save Person Of Interest.

Follow The POI Initiative on Twitter

Stay tuned to What's on the Box for more news about Person of Interest and other TV shows. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Do You Love Writing About TV Shows We are looking for writers to contribute to What's on the Box. Please get in touch via the contact box if you are interested. You can also contact us via our new Facebook page to apply for posting rights. 

Now it is your turn, if you want to have your say about my rant, do so in the comments, or join me on Facebook or Twitter

You can read more TV articles at Grey's Anatomy Addicts and Jel Writes; Freelance Writer 

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Person of Interest Season Six - The Fans Need Some Positive News

Fans of the popular crime drama, cyberpunk, thriller series really need to hear some hope regarding Person of Interest's future. Like whether POI has a future beyond the season five finale.

Recently In a TV Guide article; Greg Plageman has been quoted as saying that a Person of Interest reboot is possible. "Never say never" were his exact words. As for Michael Emerson, he reveals that not many characters survive the finale, so another season may not seem possible for the fans and not many fans are keen on a reboot. Jonah Nolan reveals that he would have loved to continue making POI, but that decision was taken away.

Nolan also spoke to IGN after the 100th episode and after the finale and did say the door had been left open, which has given the fandom hope. But, I think the fans are looking for more than hope now. Given that TV Guide is owned by CBS, is it possible we are being told what CBS want us to hear.

Rita Presto, a Person of Interest fan commented on this article and said that hearing phrases like “Never say never” in regards to more Person of Interest on our TV screens is not enough for her. She also went on to say: "I would like to see more positive hope for the fans of this show that got the shaft by CBS" I feel that Rita speaks for many of us in the POI Fandom and yes, we do need to hear something more positive about Person of Interest's future.

The POI Fandom is buzzing with conversations all over Twitter, Facebook, with Person of Interest forums and Person of Interest groups all over the Internet. If Netflix or another network are considering picking up POI, then it's my opinion that they should strike while the iron is hot. Given all the talk about the recent finale and Season 5, it is more likely that a larger audience will tune into a new season of Person of Interest.

Caro Finch, a member of one of the many Person of Interest Facebook discussion groups had this to say:

"Reboot" has bad connotations to me. Usually means the actors and/or characters will be different. POI is Reese, Finch, Shaw, Root, Fusco & of course Bear. As the Machine said.....these are NOT 'interchangeable'. CBS dropped the ball by letting the most intelligent, relevant (yes I used that word) TV show slip through their fingers. There are quite a few "POI wanna-bees" aka Limitless, out there & that pale by comparison with the writing, acting & directing. The story line has consistently been just 1-2 steps ahead of the real world. Example was the Snowden 'reveal'.....another is the rise of Artificial Intelligence (which is what the whole premise of the show is based on) is in the news more & more every day. But CBS would rather stay stuck in its old by the book, same old same old.

POI is one of those few shows that require your complete attention while it is on. And every time you re-watch an episode you'll see something you missed. The quality of POI, top to bottom, back to front & all parts in between, is the best anywhere.

To have such a great show treated the way CBS has treated POI is disgraceful. We've had to wait almost a FULL YEAR! Season 4 finale was May 5, 2015 and the Season 5 premier is May 3, 2016. And now we're going to get 13 eppies in 8 weeks? Really?

Shame on you CBS! Shame on you! You have dissed the fans as much as the show.

Personally, speaking for myself I have a hard time believing anything published on a site that CBS own. CBS are probably playing damage control, so that Person of Interest fans watch the final season live. It is all about advertising dollars for CBS, so anything written on a CBS site is probably only lip service. Many POI fans claimed they will boycott CBS after the finale of Person of Interest goes to air.

Now that Person of Interest has gone, many fans have no reason to watch CBS and a large number of fans who are members of the many Person of Interest Facebook Groups, are choosing not to watch CBS at all. That amounts to many thousands of viewers that CBS have essentially lost.

Person of Interest was the best show on CBS and for mine, the only show worth watching. We all know POI got the axe by CBS for financial reasons, and then Limitless, the show that replaced POI failed too and CBS owned Limitless. Les Moonves confirmed that in Season 4 the network broke even with Person of Interest. Perhaps if CBS had promoted Person of Interest more, we might not be where we are now. I am wondering just how many POI fans ditched CBS when they began screwing around with POI and how many fans boycotted CBS because another show took Person of Interest's time-slot. I have no doubt CBS's actions regarding POI affected the ratings of Limitless.

POI was the best show on TV in the last ten to fifteen years and never had to end like this. POI and the people who produced the show, should never have been treated this way. CBS held off telling the cast, crew and loyal fans that they had every intention of cancelling the show. They also lied to everyone about their decision making process regarding the possible renewal of Person of Interest. Now, I don't know about you, but I hate liars and I rarely forgive them. Many POI fans claim they will never watch a CBS show live again. This amount of people could very well go into the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions.

Can CBS really afford to lose that amount of viewers and the revenue they bring. I really hope that NBC, ABC, FOX, The Cable Networks and Streaming services can learn a lesson out of this. Person of Interest has a huge fandom all over the world, which amounts to hundreds of millions of people. Netflix or Hulu or even Amazon would stand to gain the most by picking up Person of Interest given the worldwide desire for more seasons of the show.

Netflix has already saved a few shows from the axe and given them a new home as have cable networks. Longmire being one example. The Killing was also picked up by another network and Nashville which was cancelled recently was also given a new home. These shows are nowhere near the quality that Person of Interest is and these shows did not rate nearly as highly as POI.

How these numbers compare for Season 5 is unclear, however in terms of quality, Person of Interest will do very well for any network that picks it up. POI would be a huge asset to any television network or streaming company that want to renew it for a sixth season.

Fans all over the world have joined forces and put together several petitions, one has almost 50,000 signatures and has been doing the rounds for the last year. These fans will not give up until they are told there is absolutely no hope. So come on guys, can someone please give us some real hope that Person of Interest is being considered as a viable pick up for the 2016/17 season or perhaps even a year from now?

And lastly, I urge anyone who has not seen Person of Interest to sign up for Netflix or whoever is streaming POI in your part of the world and watch. The five season box set will be available on July 19 in the US and for those outside the US, try searching for the series on Amazon. We will never see another show quite like Person of Interest and certainly not on network television given the way TV is changing. POI was one of a kind and I will miss it terribly along with millions of other fans.

Please sign the petition to Save Person of Interest if you haven't done so.

Another thing you can do is to mail origami cranes into Netflix. There is more information about this on the petition or you can contact Kaily Russell, who started the petition on Facebook and Twitter.

Do You Love Writing About TV Shows We are looking for writers to contribute to What's on the Box. Please get in touch via the contact box if you are interested. You can also contact us via our new Facebook page to apply for posting rights. 

Now it is your turn, if you want to have your say about my rant, do so in the comments, or join me on Facebook or Twitter

You can read more TV articles at Grey's Anatomy Addicts and Jel Writes; Freelance Writer 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Person Of Interest Voted Number One Two Weeks In A Row On Spoiler TV

Fans all over the world love this show. It has a cult following and based on issue that we face in real life today. Artificial Intelligence is coming, and Person of Interest deals with the pros and cons of this. TV shows that deal with the real issue are refreshing and thought provoking, and the last thing I and the fans of Person of Interest want is to watch mindless, repetitive TV that is so boring, you might as well turn off the telly and read a good book.

While it is hard to believe that a TV show this popular is ending in less than a week's time; unfortunately this is the awful truth.

In the last two weeks, Person of Interest is the number one show viewers chose to watch.

The table with the details and scores of all the popular TV shows is below, courtesy of Spoiler TV.

To read the entire article with comment from the readers, use the link below: Most Popular Shows on SpoilerTV

Here are this weeks most popular shows on Spoiler TV.

The Popularity score is based on a calculation of Page Views, Video Plays, Poll Votes, Comments, Google+1's, Facebook Likes and Tweets.

TIP: Remember if you want to see your show do better, make sure you share your shows content on Social Media (Facebook/Twitter/G+/Tumblr etc) and comment on articles/posts about your show.

Note: Shows in Green have moved up the table since last week. Shows with a "-" are new entries that were not in last weeks Top 20.

While it is clear that Person of Interest is loved by many fans, however the CBS network have made their decision based on how much money POI brings in. Because Warner Brothers own Person of Interest, CBS on make money from advertisers when the show airs on their network. Even so, if they had treated POI a lot better and promoted it well, this show would have attracted way more viewers. 

Bottom line, CBS got greedy and moved POI to Tuesday nights at 10 pm, which is a time-slot that TV shows have always struggled to rate well in. Networks can charge higher fees for advertising on Thursday nights. CBS's greed took over when their executive moved one of the shows they own to that time-slot. This backfired in the end, because the TV show they chose for Thursday night did not rate anywhere as well as Person of Interest.

Having said all of this above; Warner Brothers and Bad Robot are just as much to blame for the fact Person of Interest was cancelled. While the fans were fighting to get more episodes for Season 5 and a renewal for Season 6, there was no indication that WB or Bad Robot tried to fight for this show. Are they crazy? Person of Interest is the best show on TV to come along in more than 25 years.

So in closing, I implore Fox, Netflix, NBC, The CW, Hulu, Amazon or TNT to seriously consider picking up Person of Interest. Over 40,00 fans have signed a petition that is asking the other networks to take on this show and given POI's popularity, I and many other fans believe it would be well worth it to them to continue POI for a few more seasons.

With one more episode to go before this amazing series is over, it is extremely difficult to accept there will be no more Person of Interest. Several fans and I have no intention of giving up on the fight to get more seasons of POI or a reboot/spinoff. 

As they say; it ain't over until the fat lady sings; so keep fighting people and call the networks, cable channels, Netflix and the other streaming services.

Do You Love Writing About TV Shows We are looking for writers to contribute to What's on the Box. Please get in touch via the contact box if you are interested. You can also contact us via our new Facebook page to apply for posting rights. 

Now it is your turn, if you want to have your say about my rant, do so in the comments, or join me on Facebook or Twitter

You can read more TV articles at Grey's Anatomy Addicts and Jel Writes; Freelance Writer 

Copyright © 2016 Janelle Coulton

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Did You Love Or Hate The Walking Dead Season Six Finale?


This article contains Spoilers from the Walking Dead comics and for those who have yet to watch the Season six finale, if you don’t want to know, then don’t read.

Are you as pissed off as I am. That finale was such a let down, I sat there for over an hour as I had the luxury of no ads and watched a whole lot of acting that made no sense, only to be left with a black screen when Negan bashed someone's head in. Fuck! I am not happy!

The general consensus on The Walking Dead Season 6 Finale aired on April 10, 2016 was that it was a cheap ratings grab by cable network AMC. And this was totally unnecessary.

Now; if you are reader of the comic books that The Walking Dead is based on, you would know that the show tries to follow the general premise and story of the comics, however many events are changed. For example, no character death has been exactly the same, particularly the major characters.

The problem I had with the finale and I am NOT a whinging fan under the age of 20, I am almost 50 years old and believe this ending was a cheap ploy to get viewers in Season 7. I think AMC panicked when ratings dropped a little this season.

Well AMC should bloody well panic! This finale was way below what the Season five finale was in the demo numbers and if they want these numbers to rise, they need to stop with all the cliffhangers all through Season 6 and Season finale cliffhangers. This is a sure fire way to piss off the fans and lose ratings. 

TV executives never learn and keep pulling this crap. It is sheer arrogance that they think they can continue to get away with this. And the ugly truth that they don’t want to face is they will not for very much longer. When will TV writers and executive wake up and listen to their viewers. A cliffhanger was not needed in Season 6 and the writers know it. I have a strong feeling the cliffhanger idea came from AMC. If this were Season 1 or 2, then the fans can accept it, but given the many cliffhangers in Season 6 and the Glenn's dead crap in episode three, fans have had enough and ratings will be lower in Season 7. Just wait and see.

Now; before you all jump down my throat and tell me that cliffhangers are a part of all TV shows; please don’t, I am well aware of this and I generally don't mind them, but this cliffhanger for this part of the story was not necessary. Especially if Glenn is the character who dies. If this is so, then the writers are going to look really stupid.

All through Season 6 the story has been leading up to the introduction of Negan, and if you read the comics, then you understand how important this moment is to the story and fans. In the comics the writer did not leave the readers with a cliffhanger, it was revealed immediately that Negan killed Glenn. So why did the TV show go and cheapen such a wonderful story arc for the sake of ratings. 

Did they chicken out on killing Glenn? Are they afraid if they kill a major character it will damage the show? If that's the case, it will be the first time for The Walking Dead, as this show was built on the fact that anyone can die at any time, and it looks like this premise might be ruined now. But this largely depends on who is dead come Season 7.

I actually don’t believe the writers are one bit scared. Writers of shows like the Walking Dead have their story planned well in advance and you cannot just decide at a moment’s notice to kill a character. Actors have contracts and actors deserve some notice. The network contract the actors and have to approve every script, so any of those excuses are bullshit. As I said above, this all on AMC. Perhaps AMC; the cable channel that own the rights to The Walking Dead chickened out?

Whatever the reason; I no longer care anymore and more to the point, I am over who was on the receiving end of Lucille (Negan’s baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire). This cliffhanger has made me indifferent to whoever died because I know when Season 7 returns in October and we are shown who died, the effect that this scene could have had in the Season 6 finale, will be lost. AMC teased and promoted this death and led the fans to believe they would know who died. I saw countless teasers online and I, like many fans had an expectation that the viewers would see who died.

Seventy percent of fans on Social media claimed they hated the finale, because of the ending. Many of these people said that if they had seen who had died, the episode would have probably been the best finale of The Walking Dead ever made. That is pretty damning and it makes me very interested as to how this show will rate come October. How many viewers will watch live when The Walking Dead returns. Will it lose viewers once everyone see who died. I have a feeling ratings will be lower for the Season premiere in October.

The one time where the show should have followed the comics should have been in the Season six finale and fans are pissed that it doesn’t seem to have happened. If The Walking Dead want to fix this, they need to kill someone other than Glenn.

Why write a cliffhanger only to follow the comics and kill Glenn? Is it to throw all the fans off and make us think it is another character that Negan beats to death. Either way, in my opinion; if Glenn is the one who died come October, then this cliffhanger will be revealed for the ratings stunt it really is.

And the thing is; I would not mind the cliffhanger if the last three episodes had made sense. The writers had our character doing all sorts of stuff they would never do when they knew their home could be attacked at any moment. Those last few episodes seemed like a bunch of plot devices to get our group in the situation they now face where we left them when Season six ended. I could let all of that go if they had revealed who died. And I know I am not alone in feeling this way.

So as we head into the hiatus, my focus is now on other shows. I have practically forgotten about The Walking Dead for now. I am even not very interested in watching its sister show; Fear, the Walking Dead. Perhaps I will wait and binge watch it, so I don’t have to deal with cliffhangers until the season finale.

The one outcome in the story that saves it is if they kill of Darryl. It has to be a major character for the cliffhanger to have an impact and if it is anyone else but one of the Atlanta five, then The Walking Dead will be branded as a show that is afraid to kill off certain characters.

Now, I do not see it this way, I believe no character is safe on a show that involves an apocalypse of any kind, but fans will get this impression, so the writers will really have to take a chance and off a character that might not be so popular with fans.

When I speak of the Atlanta Five, I mean Rick, Carl, Glenn, Darryl, and Carol. Carol was not there, so that leave the four guys. Who do you think met with Lucille? What did you think of the cliffhanger? Do you think it was necessary given all the hype of Negan's story?

Do You Love Writing About TV Shows We are looking for writers to contribute to What's on the Box. Please get in touch via the contact box if you are interested. You can also contact us via our new Facebook page to apply for posting rights. 

Now it is your turn, if you want to have your say about my rant, do so in the comments, or join me on Facebook or Twitter

You can read more TV articles at Grey's Anatomy Addicts and Jel Writes; Freelance Writer 

Copyright © 2016 Janelle Coulton

Person Of Interest: Episode 100: Root Is Dead, But Not Gone

The hundredth episode went to air last week with the loss of two popular characters. 

The episode opens with Harold Finch choosing to close the machine so that he and others cannot access to it. Despite protests from Root, Finch goes ahead with his plan, not knowing that Root had earlier, written some code for The Machine to allow her to defend herself in the fight to kill Samaritan. Root has also put a safe guard in place; only Finch can order this protocol.

Five minutes into the show, Finch's number is sent to Reese and Fusco. Fusco is now a part of Team Machine in every way, having been told about The Machine and Samaritan's existence in the previous episode. After rescuing Finch from his office at the University and shooting a number of Samaritan operatives, Reese finds a business card that reads "Temporary Solutions" on one of the assassins.

The whole team meet up at the safe-house. Reese informs Root, Shaw, Fusco and Elias that Finch's cover as Professor Whistler has been infiltrated by Samaritan. Finch and Elias take off together, while Reese and Fusco visit the offices where the assassins came from; Temporary Solutions. Shaw and Root stay behind to finish taking out the killers that arrive at the safe-house to abduct Finch.

Finch and Elias are hiding out in the double D apartments where Reese first hid out back in Season 1 when he was protecting Elias, then known as Charlie Burton. Samaritan operatives turn up and although Elias manage to shoot most of them and get Finch to the car, a Samaritan operative creeps up behind and shoots him in the head. No question mark now, Elias is really and sadly, dead.

The operatives take Finch and drive away where they meet up with Greer in an underground parking garage. Root and Shaw interrupt the would be assassins as they are taking Finch to the car and shoot most of them, until one pull out a big gun. Shaw tells Root to take Finch and get out of there. Despite her reservations, Root gets Finch out of there, just as Reese and Fusco turn up and rescue Shaw. Meanwhile Finch and Root are being chased by Samaritan and Root decides she needs a bigger gun to get rid of them. With the help of the machine, Finch and a hair scrunchie, she hangs out the sun roof, steering the car with her boot heel and shoot the assassins car, blowing it to smitherines.

A short time later the order is given to Jeff Blackwell to eliminate Finch. In my mind, this happened because Greer failed to abduct Finch. He is directed to an empty apartment where he waits for his orders when Root and Finch arrive. He arms himself with a sniper rifle. The Machine tells Root at the last second about the sniper and she swerves the car to take the bullet for Finch. It is Root's belief that Finch is needed if they are to win and take down Samaritan.

A few seconds later they are pulled over by the police. Finch is arrested and Root is taken to the hospital. After running Finch's finger prints, they figure out that he was charged with treason in 1974. The name Harold is the only thing the FBI can find on Finch because all records about Finch were destroyed many years ago and all digital records have been deleted. The FBI need to travel to Washington to retrieve files that are archived in the case of a treason charge. 

Finch decides to start talking, and it looks as though he is talking to the FBI agent, however it become very clear that he is talking to Samaritan, when he says, "I'm going to kill you, I just need to decide." He then says he is trying to decide how many of his own rules he will break to achieve this. Elias was right. And he got his wish. He is not around to see that pot boil over.

Finch is being taken to a cell to be held while the FBI gather evidence and files, and the Machine calls him on a payphone that he is standing right next to. It's Root, but she is not alive, Root has become the Machine and she has chosen a voice. We then see Fusco standing over Root's body, and she looks very dead to me. Fusco call Reese and give him the news. He tells Shaw that they need to get the Finch and that The Machine gave them his number because she knows he is going to become a perpetrator. The Machine shuts down the power at the jail where Finch is and more than six hundred prisoners are on the loose. Finch ordered the Machine to make this happen and this is just the beginning.

The episode had a lot of foreshadowing that Root was going to meet her end, however this was something that I and many other viewers did not pick up on. I was pretty shocked at Root's death, but I was not surprised that Elias died. Perhaps because many viewers expected the deaths of Team Machine to happen in the finale. We now have three episodes to go, and I hate that fact, but I am on board for the ride, I am loving this season and I really think that Jonah Nolan and Greg Plageman will not let us down. I just wish that CBS, Warner Brothers (WB) and Bad Robot has not let us down and kept this show on the air. I get why CBS did not keep it around, given they made no money on the advertising last season. I will never understand why Bad Robot and WB did not fight to keep this show on the air.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Person of Interest is the best show on TV that I've ever watched and I am amongst good company here. Millions of fans agree with me and CBS, WB and Bad Robot are idiots for letting this show end.

Did you enjoy the 100th episode? Or did you hate it? This was the only party the cast and crew got. Apparently this shows budget was cut by half, so there was no money left for a wrap party. I have never heard of this happening, especially on a popular TV show. Money dictates the end of this show. As for quality, it is the best show I've ever watched, and nothing will ever compare to it.

Highlights: When Finch told Samaritan he was going to kill him. Root and Shaw flirting while shooting assassins. Root driving the car with her boot, while blowing up the assassins car. 

Person of Interest's 100th episode was probably one of the best episodes of TV that I have ever seen. If you have never watched this show, then I really recommend this show. The DVDs are available for Season 1-4 and Season 5 will be available soon.

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Jel Writes; Freelance Writer or 
Grey's Anatomy Addicts   

Copyright, 2016 Janelle Coulton